DGK high-capacity high-speed current limiting circuit breaker Introduction: This product not only achieves low-cost short-circuit current breaking, but also eliminates the need to improve the dynamic and thermal stability parameters of related electrical equipment on branch circuits, thereby achieving the goal of rational circuit design and reducing engineering equipment investment. This product is used for fast short-circuit protection of branch busbars in hydropower plants, limiting and quickly breaking high amplitude short-circuit currents, avoiding the use of expensive generator circuit breakers, and improving technical and economic efficiency; Export of large synchronous motors; Quick disconnection of feeder lines prone to short circuit faults and quick isolation of fault points. Features: 1. Fast breaking speed (high speed), with a total breaking time of less than 10ms 2. The disconnection process has obvious current limiting characteristics (current limiting) 3. Mainly used in low rated current systems 4. Assemble non-standard cabinet types according to engineering needs, with multiple configuration schemes available 5. Reduce the cost of replacing switches and other main equipment in substations Technical parameters: Rated voltage kV: 3.6~24 Rated current A: 6.3~500 Rated expected short-circuit breaking current kA: 20-120 Current limiting coefficient=cut-off current/expected peak short-circuit current: 15-50% Insulation level: 1. Power frequency withstand voltage: kV/1min 42/48 2. Lightning impulse withstand voltage: kV 75/85kV
Introduction: This product not only achieves low-cost short-circuit current breaking, but also eliminates the need to improve the dynamic and thermal stability parameters of related electrical equipment on branch circuits, thereby achieving the goal of rational circuit design and reducing engineering equipment investment. This product is used for fast short-circuit protection of branch busbars in hydropower plants, limiting and quickly breaking high amplitude short-circuit currents, avoiding the use of expensive generator circuit breakers, and improving technical and economic efficiency; Export of large synchronous motors; Quick disconnection of feeder lines prone to short circuit faults and quick isolation of fault points.