This equipment is suitable for inoculation of microbiological laboratory specimens, isolation and purification of cultures, passage and transfer of seeds, and coating and inoculation of bacterial suspensions for paper method drug sensitivity tests (including E-test drug sensitivity tests). Characteristics: 1. Direct inoculation specimen, Good separation effect; 2, Microbial subculture transfer; 3, Purification passage 4, Suitable for 90mm and 70mm plate; 5, Fast; 6, No consumable material; 7, Inoculation of bacteria suspension; 8, Paper method drug sensitivity test 9, E-test drug sensitivity test 10, Put in Biosafety cabinet use (remove the shield) 11, Small, simple and stable 12, Action switch less range and small Technical parameters: Model No: PTT / No 15B-1 Parameters: Chinese operation interface, touch screen, direction, speed Protective cover: pluggable fan and LED lamp Inoculated plate size: 70 mm / 90 mm
This equipment is suitable for inoculation of microbiological laboratory specimens, isolation and purification of cultures, passage and transfer of seeds, and coating and inoculation of bacterial suspensions for paper method drug sensitivity tests (including E-test drug sensitivity tests).