BJZH pyramid cube retroreflector Introduction: The design purpose of a pyramid cube retroreflector is to reflect back the light or beam that reaches the prism surface, regardless of the direction of the prism. Reflectors can only achieve this when light is incident vertically, therefore, pyramid cube reflectors are useful in applications where precise alignment is not possible or time-consuming. The pyramid cube provides a biplane surface without coating or silver coating, while silver coating provides a larger receiving angle, while the option without coating relies on total internal reflection, providing the optimal reflectivity. Technical parameters: Material: optical glass Dimensional tolerance:+0/-0.01~+0/-0.1mm Thickness tolerance: ± 0.01~± 0.1mm Face type: λ/ 10~ λ/ 2@632.8nm Finish: 10/5~60/40 Angular accuracy:<3 "~3 ' Effective aperture:>90% Chamfer: Coating: antireflective film, reflective film
Introduction: The design purpose of a pyramid cube retroreflector is to reflect back the light or beam that reaches the prism surface, regardless of the direction of the prism. Reflectors can only achieve this when light is incident vertically, therefore, pyramid cube reflectors are useful in applications where precise alignment is not possible or time-consuming. The pyramid cube provides a biplane surface without coating or silver coating, while silver coating provides a larger receiving angle, while the option without coating relies on total internal reflection, providing the optimal reflectivity.